Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Accumulo - Example/Java API

Accumulo - Examples/Java API 

1.        Use the following command to prompt the client shell:
bin/accumulo shell -u root
Then enter the password for your Accumulo instance in our example we set the instance name and password to accum/accum.
2.        You may type help for the list of available commands.
3.        You can create a new table using: createtable command:
4.        E.g: create a new table called usertable:  "createtable usertable"

·         The following running examples are from apache accumulo
You may find more examples on: http://accumulo.apache.org/1.4/examples/.
5.     Creating a new user:
A user does not by default have permission to create a table.
root@instance> createuser username
Enter new password for 'username': ********
Please confirm new password for 'username': ********
root@instance> user username
Enter password for user username: ********
username@instance> createtable usertable
06 10:48:47,931 [shell.Shell] ERROR: org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException: Error PERMISSION_DENIED - User does not have permission to perform this action
username@instance> userpermissions
System permissions:
Table permissions (!METADATA): Table.READ
6.     Granting permissions to a user:
username@instance> user root
Enter password for user root: ********
root@instance> grant -s System.CREATE_TABLE -u username
root@instance> user username
Enter password for user username: ********
username@instance> createtable usertable
username@instance> userpermissions
System permissions: System.CREATE_TABLE
Table permissions (!METADATA): Table.READ
Table permissions (usertable): Table.READ, Table.WRITE, Table.BULK_IMPORT, Table.ALTER_TABLE, Table.GRANT, Table.DROP_TABLE
username@instance usertable>
7.     Inserting data with visibilities:
usage: insert <row> <colfamily> <colqualifier> <value> [-?] [-l <expression>] [-t <timestamp>]   
description: inserts a record   
  -?,-help  display this help   
  -l,-authorization-label <expression>  formatted authorization label expression   
  -t,-timestamp <timestamp>  timestamp to use for insert.
Visibilities are boolean AND (&) and OR (|) combinations of authorization tokens. Authorization tokens are arbitrary strings taken from a restricted ASCII character set. Parentheses are required to specify order of operations in visibilities.
username@instance usertable> insert row f1 q1 v1 -l A
username@instance usertable> insert row f2 q2 v2 -l A&B
username@instance usertable> insert row f3 q3 v3 -l apple&carrot|broccoli|spinach
06 11:19:01,432 [shell.Shell] ERROR: org.apache.accumulo.core.util.BadArgumentException: cannot mix | and & near index 12 apple&carrot|broccoli|spinach ^
username@instance usertable> insert row f3 q3 v3 -l (apple&carrot)|broccoli|spinach
username@instance usertable>

8.     Scanning with authorizations:
usage: scan [-?] [-b <start-row>] [-c <<columnfamily>[:<columnqualifier>]>] [-e   
 <end-row>] [-np] [-s <comma-separated-authorizations>] [-st]   
description: scans the table, and displays the resulting records   
  -?,-help  display this help   
  -b,-begin-row <start-row>  begin row (inclusive)   
  -c,-columns <<columnfamily>[:<columnqualifier>]>  comma-separated columns   
  -e,-end-row <end-row>  end row (inclusive)   
  -np,-no-pagination  disables pagination of output   
  -s,-scan-authorizations <comma-separated-authorizations>  scan authorizations   
  -st,-show-timestamps  enables displaying timestamps

Authorizations are sets of authorization tokens. Each Accumulo user has authorizations and each Accumulo scan has authorizations. Scan authorizations are only allowed to be a subset of the user's authorizations. By default, a user's authorizations set is empty.

username@instance usertable> scan
username@instance usertable> scan -s A
06 11:43:14,951 [shell.Shell] ERROR: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException: Error BAD_AUTHORIZATIONS - The user does not have the specified authorizations assigned
username@instance usertable>

9.     Setting authorizations for a user:
usage: setauths [-?] -c | -s <comma-separated-authorizations> [-u <user>]   
description: sets the maximum scan authorizations for a user   
-?,-help  display this help   
-c,-clear-authorizations  clears the scan authorizations 
           -s,-scan-authorizations <comma-separated-authorizations>  set the scan   
-u,-user <user>  user to operate on

username@instance usertable> setauths -s A
06 11:53:42,056 [shell.Shell] ERROR: org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException: Error PERMISSION_DENIED - User does not have permission to perform this action
username@instance usertable>
A user cannot set authorizations unless the user has the System.ALTER_USER permission. The root user has this permission.
username@instance usertable> user root
Enter password for user root: ********
root@instance usertable> setauths -s A -u username
root@instance usertable> user username
Enter password for user username: ********
username@instance usertable> scan -s A
row f1:q1 [A]    v1
username@instance usertable> scan
row f1:q1 [A]    v1
username@instance usertable>
The default authorizations for a scan are the user's entire set of authorizations.
username@instance usertable> user root
Enter password for user root: ********
root@instance usertable> setauths -s A,B,broccoli -u username
root@instance usertable> user username
Enter password for user username: ********
username@instance usertable> scan
row f1:q1 [A]    v1
row f2:q2 [A&B]    v2
row f3:q3 [(apple&carrot)|broccoli|spinach]    v3
username@instance usertable> scan -s B
username@instance usertable>

If you want, you can limit a user to only be able to insert data which they can read themselves. It can be set with the following constraint.

username@instance usertable> user root
Enter password for user root: ******
root@instance usertable> config -t usertable -s table.constraint.1=org.apache.accumulo.core.security.VisibilityConstraint   
root@instance usertable> user username
Enter password for user username: ********
username@instance usertable> insert row f4 q4 v4 -l spinach                                                               
Constraint Failures:        ConstraintViolationSummary(constrainClass:org.apache.accumulo.core.security.VisibilityConstraint, violationCode:2, violationDescription:User does not have authorization on column visibility, numberOfViolatingMutations:1)
username@instance usertable> insert row f4 q4 v4 -l spinach|broccoli
username@instance usertable> scan
row f1:q1 [A]    v1
row f2:q2 [A&B]    v2
row f3:q3 [(apple&carrot)|broccoli|spinach]    v3
row f4:q4 [spinach|broccoli]    v4
username@instance usertable>

Java API

1.        Row operations – All basic row operations createtable/insert/delete etc

 * Author : Amal Babu
 * Description : Row operations include create,insert,delete in JAVA API
 * */

package com.amal.accumulo;
import java.io.IOException;

import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.apache.accumulo.core.Constants;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchWriter;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableExistsException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ZooKeeperInstance;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Key;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Mutation;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Range;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Value;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 * A demonstration of reading entire rows and deleting entire rows.
public class RowOperations {
  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RowOperations.class);
  private static Connector connector;
  private static String table = "accumulotable";
  private static BatchWriter bw;
  public static void main(String[] args) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableExistsException, TableNotFoundException,
      MutationsRejectedException {
    if (args.length != 4) {
      log.error("Usage: <instance name> <zoo keepers> <username> <password>");
    // First the setup work
    connector = new ZooKeeperInstance(args[0], args[1]).getConnector(args[2], args[3].getBytes());
    // lets create an example table
    // lets create 3 rows of information
    Text row1 = new Text("row1");
    Text row2 = new Text("row2");
    Text row3 = new Text("row3");
    // Which means 3 different mutations
    Mutation mut1 = new Mutation(row1);
    Mutation mut2 = new Mutation(row2);
    Mutation mut3 = new Mutation(row3);
    // And we'll put 4 columns in each row
    Text col1 = new Text("1");
    Text col2 = new Text("2");
    Text col3 = new Text("3");
    Text col4 = new Text("4");
    // Now we'll add them to the mutations
    mut1.put(new Text("column"), col1, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    mut1.put(new Text("column"), col2, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    mut1.put(new Text("column"), col3, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    mut1.put(new Text("column"), col4, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    mut2.put(new Text("column"), col1, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    mut2.put(new Text("column"), col2, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    mut2.put(new Text("column"), col3, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    mut2.put(new Text("column"), col4, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    mut3.put(new Text("column"), col1, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    mut3.put(new Text("column"), col2, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    mut3.put(new Text("column"), col3, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    mut3.put(new Text("column"), col4, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
    // Now we'll make a Batch Writer
    bw = connector.createBatchWriter(table, 100000l, 30l, 1);
    // And add the mutations
    // Force a send
    // Now lets look at the rows
    Scanner rowThree = getRow(new Text("row3"));
    Scanner rowTwo = getRow(new Text("row2"));
    Scanner rowOne = getRow(new Text("row1"));
    // And print them
    log.info("This is everything");
    // Now lets delete rowTwo with the iterator
    rowTwo = getRow(new Text("row2"));
    // Now lets look at the rows again
    rowThree = getRow(new Text("row3"));
    rowTwo = getRow(new Text("row2"));
    rowOne = getRow(new Text("row1"));
    // And print them
    log.info("This is row1 and row3");
    // Should only see the two rows
    // Now lets delete rowOne without passing in the iterator
    // Now lets look at the rows one last time
    rowThree = getRow(new Text("row3"));
    rowTwo = getRow(new Text("row2"));
    rowOne = getRow(new Text("row1"));
    // And print them
    log.info("This is just row3");
    // Should only see rowThree
    // Always close your batchwriter
    // and lets clean up our mess
    // fin~
   * Deletes a row given a text object
   * @param row
   * @throws TableNotFoundException
   * @throws AccumuloSecurityException
   * @throws AccumuloException
  private static void deleteRow(Text row) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException {
   * Deletes a row, given a Scanner of JUST that row
   * @param scanner
  private static void deleteRow(Scanner scanner) throws MutationsRejectedException {
    Mutation deleter = null;
    // iterate through the keys
    for (Entry<Key,Value> entry : scanner) {
      // create a mutation for the row
      if (deleter == null)
        deleter = new Mutation(entry.getKey().getRow());
      // the remove function adds the key with the delete flag set to true
      deleter.putDelete(entry.getKey().getColumnFamily(), entry.getKey().getColumnQualifier());
   * Just a generic print function given an iterator. Not necessarily just for printing a single row
   * @param scanner
  private static void printRow(Scanner scanner) {
    // iterates through and prints
    for (Entry<Key,Value> entry : scanner)
      log.info("Key: " + entry.getKey().toString() + " Value: " + entry.getValue().toString());
   * Gets a scanner over one row
   * @param row
   * @return
   * @throws TableNotFoundException
   * @throws AccumuloSecurityException
   * @throws AccumuloException
   * @throws IOException
  private static Scanner getRow(Text row) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException {
    // Create a scanner
    Scanner scanner = connector.createScanner(table, Constants.NO_AUTHS);
    // Say start key is the one with key of row
    // and end key is the one that immediately follows the row
    scanner.setRange(new Range(row));
    return scanner;

How to execute ?

·         Make it as runnable jar and copy it to /accumulo/lib/ext folder.
·         /accumulo/bin/accumulo com.amal.accumulo.RowOperations

2.        Adding cell level security – JAVA API
 * Author : Amal Babu
 * Description : Row operations include create,insert,delete in JAVA API
 * */

package com.amal.accumulo;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchWriter;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableExistsException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ZooKeeperInstance;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Key;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Mutation;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Range;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Value;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.security.Authorizations;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.security.ColumnVisibility;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class CellLevelSecurity {

        private static String table;
        private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RowOperations.class);

        private static Connector connector;
        // private static String table = "accumulotable";
        private static BatchWriter bw;
        // default value
        private static String securityLevelsWhichNeedsToAccess;

        public static void main(String[] args) throws AccumuloException,
                        AccumuloSecurityException, TableExistsException,
                        TableNotFoundException, MutationsRejectedException {
                if (args.length != 6) {
                        log.error("Usage: <instance name> <zoo keepers> <username> <password> <accumulotablename> <securitylevel>");

                // First the setup work
                connector = new ZooKeeperInstance(args[0], args[1]).getConnector(
                                args[2], args[3].getBytes());
                table = args[4];
                securityLevelsWhichNeedsToAccess = args[5];
                String[] arrayAuthorizations = securityLevelsWhichNeedsToAccess
                // listOfAccessQualifiers = new
                // ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(splitString));
                // lets create an example table

                System.out.println("Table created successfully...!!");
                // lets create 3 rows of information
                Text row1 = new Text("row1");
                Text row2 = new Text("row2");

                Mutation mut1 = new Mutation(row1);
                Mutation mut2 = new Mutation(row2);

                Text colFam_name = new Text("Name");
                Text colQual_name = new Text("Identifier");
                ColumnVisibility colVis_name = new ColumnVisibility("public");
                // Now we'll add them to the mutations
                mut1.put(colFam_name, colQual_name, colVis_name,
                                new Value("Amal".getBytes()));

                Text colFam_pass = new Text("Password");
                Text colQual_pass = new Text("Secret");
                ColumnVisibility colVis_pass = new ColumnVisibility("private");
                // Now we'll add them to the mutations
                mut2.put(colFam_pass, colQual_pass, colVis_pass,
                                new Value("amal@123".getBytes()));

                // Now we'll make a Batch Writer
                bw = connector.createBatchWriter(table, 100000l, 30l, 1);

                // And add the mutations

                // Force a send

                // Now lets look at the rows
                Scanner rowOne = getRow(new Text("row1"), arrayAuthorizations);
                Scanner rowTwo = getRow(new Text("row2"), arrayAuthorizations);

                // And print them
                log.info("This is everything");

                // and lets clean up our mess


         * Just a generic print function given an iterator. Not necessarily just for
         * printing a single row
         * @param scanner
        private static void printRow(Scanner scanner) {
                // iterates through and prints
                for (Entry<Key, Value> entry : scanner)
                        log.info("Key: " + entry.getKey().toString() + " Value: "
                                        + entry.getValue().toString());

         * Gets a scanner over one row
         * @param row
         * @return
         * @throws TableNotFoundException
         * @throws AccumuloSecurityException
         * @throws AccumuloException
         * @throws IOException
        private static Scanner getRow(Text row, String[] authorizations)
                        throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException,
                        TableNotFoundException {
                // Create a scanner
                Authorizations auth = new Authorizations(authorizations);

                Scanner scanner = connector.createScanner(table, auth);
                // Say start key is the one with key of row
                // and end key is the one that immediately follows the row
                scanner.setRange(new Range(row));
                return scanner;

How to execute ?

·         Make it as runnable jar and copy it to /accumulo/lib/ext folder.

·         /accumulo/bin/accumulo com.amal.accumulo.CellLevelSecurity <instance name> <zoo keepers> <username> <password> <accumulotablename> <securitylevel>

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot Amal...it is great help for me....cheers
