Installing Hbase
Hbase is a Distributed, non-relational and open source database.
One of the key value store type database is Hbase which runs over Hadoop
architecture and Hdfs file system.
Copy the HBase tar in
a particular location and untar it. We are using hbase-0.94.x.tar.gz
cd /home/hduser/utilities
tar –xzvf hbase-0.94.x.tar.gz
Edit the /home/hduser/utilities/habse/conf/ and
define the $JAVA_HOME
HBASE_MANAGES_ZK needs to be set as ‘true’ to use Zookeeper.
If it is set as ‘false’ HBase will not consider Zookeeper
export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true
Edit the hbase-site.xml
value of ‘ hbase.rootdir’ is the
hostname and port number of system where namenode is running .(The port number
should be same as that of core-site.xml, where namenode is running)
We have to
create a folder in hdfs to store HBase data( this folder should mention in
‘hbase.rootdir’ value
Ø Hadoop fs –ls /
Ø Hadoop fs –mkdir /hbase
For multinode Hbase installation, the property
‘hbase.zookeeper.quorum’ is important. The property is used to identify the Zookeeper
installed system
To Start Hbase daemons
To stop Hbase daemons
The UI of Hbase is as follows.
The default UI port of Hbase is 60010
http://<Ip-address of the system:60010>
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